Saturday, September 8, 2012

Busy Week

Wow, this week has been busy. We sent Ellie and the fam off on Sunday and things still have not slowed down. Several appointments this past week, working on the house and straightening it up, and so much more. Aunt "Veva" flew in town yesterday and is helping out for the next two weeks. Big daddy is out in the field so this is definitely a relief to have a helping hand. The dogs were thrilled to be walked so early this morning without the disruption of a stroller and slow pace. hahaha. The compromises made =)
Today is the boys first party they will attend. It is a swimming party for their friend Tenny who will turn 3. We are so excited. We monogrammed a bag for her and need to pick up a gift card for her to buy books that she enjoys. So fun!
Fast forward a few hours and we have gone to the party. The boys had a blast and practiced floating on their backs and holding their breath. They actually start their swim lessons in two weeks. We are so excited to have them in the water and have no doubt they will be water babies like their mama.
Well, this is a litle scattered, but that is life with twins =) I am off to pull out the Fall/Halloween decor and start decorating. Wish me luck. The attic is congested with all my inventory!

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